This is an archival copy of the Visualization Group's web page 1998 to 2017. For current information, please vist our group's new web page.

H5Part: Utility Tools


h5pAttrib is an inspection tool that prints to stdout the number of timesteps in a file the file attributes, the step attributes, the dataset names and their values. It's simpler to use than h5dump. Usage options are given by typing:

% ./h5pAttrib -h
usage: h5pAttrib [OPTIONS] file

   -h, --help           Print help page
   -n, --nstep          Print number of steps
   -A, --fileA          Print file attributes
   -a, --stepA          Print step attributes & values for time step n
   -d, --dataset        Print data sets names & values for time step n
   -H, --header         Print shorter version without the values


  1. Show file attribute names & values of sample.h5part
  2. h5pAttrib -A sample.h5part
  3. Show step attribute names for time step 5 of sample.h5part
  4. h5pAttrib -a 5 -H sample.h5part


h5pToGNUplot is a converter from H5Part to two column ASCII text format for loading into GNUplot. Usage options are given by typing:

% ./h5pToGNUplot -h


   -h, --help           Print help page
   -1, --1var           (REQUIRED) Takes first variable parameter
   -2, --2var           (REQUIRED) Takes second variable parameter
   -i, --input          (REQUIRED) Takes input file name
   -t, --timestep       (REQUIRED) Sets the timestep (Value -1 will result in dumping values of all timesteps.)
   -o, --output         (OPTIONAL) Takes output file name (without this flag, the program will print to stdout)
   -n, --number         (OPTIONAL) Sets number of output points
   -s, --start          (OPTIONAL) Sets the starting particle index


  1. Create a GNU plot file output.txt from sample.h5part by ploting x vs px for timestep 54
  2. h5pToGNUplot -t 54 -1 x -2 px -i sample.h5part -o output.txt
  3. Create a GNU plot file output.txt from sample.h5part by ploting x vs px for timestep 54 using 1200 points from particle index 76
  4. h5pToGNUplot -t 54 -1 x -2 px -i sample.h5part -o output.txt -s 76 -n 1200