This document contains the drafts of MOU's which were eventually signed by all the partners to the project. The PI on this project drafted these instruments, than gave them to the LBL ER-LTT office for review. This project was not CRADA-eligible since there was no intellectual property being developed as part of the project.
AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAWRENCE BERKELEY LABORATORY AND BP EXPLORATION FOR FULFILLMENT OF OBLIGATIONS TO ACTI PROJECT TITLED "ADVANCED FLUX VISUALIZATION AND VIRTUAL REALITY FOR RESERVOIR ENGINEERING" Parties to this Agreement: The Regents of the University of California, a Constitutional Corporation and instrumentality of the State of California (hereafter known as "LBL"), who operate Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under prime contract to the United States Department of Energy (hereafter known as "DOE"). BP Exploration, Inc. (hereafter "BP"). Background ---------- In response to the ACTI call for particpation, LBL, BP and Western Atlas Software, Inc. (hereafter "WAS") jointly drafted a proposal titled "Advanced Flux Visualization and Virtual Reality for Reservoir Engineering." Of 122 proposals submitted by Industrial participants and the nine national laboratories, ours was ranked 9 of 122, and thus selected for funding. The text of the proposal is provided herein as Attachment A. Technical Objective ------------------- The goal of this proposal is to bring to commercialization advanced techniques for flux visualization, where said techniques are jointly derived by a group consisting of working petroleum reservoir engineers (BP), a service company with a product that is used for the visualization of flux data (WAS) and reseachers in scientific visualization and virtual reality (LBL). ------------ The purpose of this Agreement is to outline obligations of LBL and BP to one another in order to fulfill the obligations created by the funding of the proposal submitted to ACTI. BP and LBL agree: (1) BP Obligations: a. BP will provide no cash or other compensation to LBL; b. BP will provide 1/4 FTE of staff resources to meet the technical aspects of this project, which include: 1. Creative input to the design and assessment of prototype implementations of algorithms for visualizing flux data; 2. Primary responsibility for derivation of and assessment of a single-component representation of multi-phase flux data; 3. Co-authorship of a report describing the results of this project to be submitted to a technical journal upon or near the completion of this project. c. BP will provide at no cost to LBL access to BP-proprietary reservoir data for the purposes of testing prototype visualization algorithms, subject to the non-disclosure terms in Attachment B. This obligation fulfills the BP portion of industry in-kind contribution required by the ACTI program. (2) LBL Obligations: a. LBL will provide no cash or other compensation to BP; b. LBL will provide 1/2 FTE of staff resources to meet the technical aspects of this project, which include: 1. Project coordination and management; 2. Creative input to the design and assessment of prototype implementations of algorithms for visualizing flux data; 3. Primary responsibility for implementation of visualization algorithms, in the form of working prototypes, in a suitable software environment. c. LBL will protect BP-proprietary data in accordance with the terms of the non-disclosure agreement provided in Attachment B. DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Understanding becomes effective on the date of signature by both institutions and shall remain in effect for three years. It may be amended by written request between both parties and terminated by mutual agreement or by either institution giving a 30-day written notice to the other institution. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LAWRENCE BERKELEY LABORATORY: By:_________________________________________ (date) Reviewed and Approved as to legal sufficiency: By:_________________________________________ (date) Paul Martin, LBL Counsel BY BP EXPLORATION: By:_________________________________________ (date)
AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAWRENCE BERKELEY LABORATORY AND WESTERN ATLAS SOFTWARE FOR FULFILLMENT OF OBLIGATIONS TO ACTI PROJECT TITLED "ADVANCED FLUX VISUALIZATION AND VIRTUAL REALITY FOR RESERVOIR ENGINEERING" Parties to this Agreement: The Regents of the University of California, a Constitutional Corporation and instrumentality of the State of California (hereafter known as "LBL"), who operate Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under prime contract to the United States Department of Energy (hereafter known as "DOE"). Western Atlas Software (hereafter "WAS"). Background ---------- In response to the ACTI call for particpation, LBL, WAS, and BP Exploration (hereafter "BP") jointly drafted a proposal titled "Advanced Flux Visualization and Virtual Reality for Reservoir Engineering." Of 122 proposals submitted by Industrial participants and the nine national laboratories, ours was ranked 9 of 122, and thus selected for funding. The text of the proposal is provided herein as Attachment A. Technical Objective ------------------- The goal of this proposal is to bring to commercialization advanced techniques for flux visualization, where said techniques are jointly derived by a group consisting of working petroleum reservoir engineers (BP), a service company with a product that is used for the visualization of flux data (WAS) and reseachers in scientific visualization and virtual reality (LBL). ------------ The purpose of this Agreement is to outline obligations of LBL and WAS to one another in order to fulfill the obligations created by the funding of the proposal submitted to ACTI. WAS and LBL agree: (1) WAS Obligations: 1.a: WAS will provide no cash or other compensation to LBL; 1.b: BP will provide 1/4 FTE of staff resources to meet the technical aspects of this project, which include: 1.b.1: Creative input to the design and assessment of prototype implementations of algorithms for visualizing flux data; 1.b.2: Primary responsibility for derivation of and assessment of a single-component representation of multi-phase flux data; 1.b.3: Co-authorship of a report describing the results of this project to be submitted to a technical journal upon or near the completion of this project. 1.c: WAS will provide at no cost to LBL access to WAS-proprietary visualization software (the WAS product called "3DVIEW") in a form suitable for the purposes of testing prototype visualization algorithms, subject to the non-disclosure terms in Attachment B. This obligation fulfills the WAS portion of industry in-kind contribution required by the ACTI program. (2) LBL Obligations: 2.a: LBL will provide no cash or other compensation to BP; 2.b: LBL will provide 1/2 FTE of staff resources to meet the technical aspects of this project, which include: 2.b.1: Project coordination and management; 2.b.2: Creative input to the design and assessment of prototype implementations of algorithms for visualizing flux data; 2.b.3:. Primary responsibility for implementation of visualization algorithms, in the form of working prototypes, in a suitable software environment. 2.c: LBL will protect WAS-proprietary software in accordance with the terms of the non-disclosure agreement provided in Attachment B. 3. It is anticipated that there will be no patentable material to result from this work. DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Understanding becomes effective on the date of signature by both institutions and shall remain in effect for three years. It may be amended by written request between both parties and terminated by mutual agreement or by either institution giving a 30-day written notice to the other institution. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LAWRENCE BERKELEY LABORATORY: By:_________________________________________ (date) Reviewed and Approved as to legal sufficiency: By:_________________________________________ (date) Paul Martin, LBL Counsel BY WESTERN ATLAS SOFTWARE: By:_________________________________________ (date)