- Graphics
- Graphics or more precisely, rendering refers to the
process of turning abstract descriptions of geometric shapes into pictures
for consumption by a human.
- Visualization
- Visualization is a relatively new term, coined in 1987, which
captures the gamut of techniques for creating geometry from abstract data.
(Need a slide here showing some simple visualization techniques, explain
the use of color, direct visualization (one-to-one mapping of data points
to icons) or indirect visualization (isosurfaces, streamlines))
- Virtual Reality
- Nobody can seem to agree on a precise definition for this term.
At the nexus of overlap of most definitions lies a description or
recipe for a user-interface. With a broad definition such as this, a
continuum is revealed in software and hardware sophistication, ranging
from command-line interfaces and monoscopic CRT displays through
gestural-recognition systems with fully immersive stereoscopic
displays integrating vision systems, voice control, force- and
audio feedback.