The encoder will take as input a sequence of digital images, and compute an MPEG movie for you.

ffmpeg80, Options

Main Options:
-L                  show license
-h                  show help
-formats            show available formats, codecs, protocols, ...
-f fmt              force format
-img img_fmt        force image format
-i filename         input file name
-y                  overwrite output files
-t duration         set the recording time
-title string       set the title
-author string      set the author
-copyright string   set the copyright
-comment string     set the comment
-v verbose          control amount of logging
-hq                 activate high quality settings

Video options:
-b bitrate          set video bitrate (in kbit/s)
-r rate             set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation)
-s size             set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)
-aspect aspect      set aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9 or 1.3333, 1.7777)
-croptop size       set top crop band size (in pixels)
-cropbottom size    set bottom crop band size (in pixels)
-cropleft size      set left crop band size (in pixels)
-cropright size     set right crop band size (in pixels)
-vn                 disable video
-bt tolerance       set video bitrate tolerance (in kbit/s)
-maxrate bitrate    set max video bitrate tolerance (in kbit/s)
-minrate bitrate    set min video bitrate tolerance (in kbit/s)
-bufsize size       set ratecontrol buffere size (in kbit)
-vcodec codec       force video codec ('copy' to copy stream)
-sameq              use same video quality as source (implies VBR)
-pass n             select the pass number (1 or 2)
-passlogfile file   select two pass log file name

Advanced Video options:
-pix_fmt format     set pixel format
-g gop_size         set the group of picture size
-intra              use only intra frames
-qscale q           use fixed video quantiser scale (VBR)
-qmin q             min video quantiser scale (VBR)
-qmax q             max video quantiser scale (VBR)
-mbqmin q           min macroblock quantiser scale (VBR)
-mbqmax q           max macroblock quantiser scale (VBR)
-qdiff q            max difference between the quantiser scale (VBR)
-qblur blur         video quantiser scale blur (VBR)
-qcomp compression  video quantiser scale compression (VBR)
-rc_init_cplx complexity  initial complexity for 1-pass encoding
-b_qfactor factor   qp factor between p and b frames
-i_qfactor factor   qp factor between p and i frames
-b_qoffset offset   qp offset between p and b frames
-i_qoffset offset   qp offset between p and i frames
-rc_eq equation     set rate control equation
-rc_override override  rate control override for specific intervals
-me method          set motion estimation method
-dct_algo algo      set dct algo
-idct_algo algo     set idct algo
-er n               set error resilience
-ec bit_mask        set error concealment
-bf frames          use 'frames' B frames
-mbd mode           macroblock decision
-4mv                use four motion vector by macroblock (only MPEG-4)
-part               use data partitioning (only MPEG-4)
-bug param          workaround not auto detected encoder bugs
-strict strictness  how strictly to follow the standarts
-deinterlace        deinterlace pictures
-psnr               calculate PSNR of compressed frames
-vstats             dump video coding statistics to file
-vhook module       insert video processing module
-aic                enable Advanced intra coding (h263+)
-umv                enable Unlimited Motion Vector (h263+)

Audio options:
-ab bitrate         set audio bitrate (in kbit/s)
-ar rate            set audio sampling rate (in Hz)
-ac channels        set number of audio channels
-an                 disable audio
-acodec codec       force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream)

Audio/Video grab options:
-vd device          set video grab device
-vc channel         set video grab channel (DV1394 only)
-tvstd standard     set television standard (NTSC, PAL (SECAM))
-dv1394             set DV1394 grab
-ad device          set audio device

Advanced options:
-map file:stream    set input stream mapping
-debug              print specific debug info
-benchmark          add timings for benchmarking
-hex                dump each input packet
-bitexact           only use bit exact algorithms (for codec testing)
-re                 read input at native frame rate
-loop               loop (current only works with images)
-ps size            set packet size in bits

See the official ffmpeg page for more information.